My one woman show "One Raelette's Journey" wins Jerry Kaufman Award.
Press Release May 2nd, 2015
The American Renaissance Theater Company is pleased to announce that Cynthia Scott won the First Prize for the 2015 Jerry Kaufman Award for her play One Raelette’s Journey. Two citations were also awarded to Mark Levine for his two one-act plays Lou Green’s and Gravediggers and Fran Handman for the book and lyrics ofA Magical Goose Called Sam. The Award was created to encourage playwright members of the American Renaissance Theater’s weekly developmental workshop. The awards are presented in concert with Carol Goldberg in memory of her brother, Jerry Kaufman, a playwright, publicist and beloved American Renaissance Theater member. All of the awards come with developmental grants for the playwrights to use in the furtherance of their careers. The awards were presented in a April 30th ceremony held at the Dramatists Guild. The evening featured selections from the nominee’s plays as well as a reading of reflections from workshop members about the impact Jerry Kaufman, a most supportive and resourceful colleague, had on their artistic lives. For more information about the workshop and the award go to: