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Telling the lies of history

Still working on this one will get back to it soon

I am very much aware of the events that happened in the BLACK community of Tulsa on June 21, 1921. I teach this to my students as well as teaching them how white scholars are always trying to revise history. I teach them that the first human type of woman/man on this planet appeared on the continent we call today Africa. These people classified as Australopithecus ramidus appeared in Africa in 4,200,000 B.C.E., and that DNA studies place the first human and common female ancestor of ALL HUMANS in AFRICA-200,000 years ago. We must teach our children the truth but first we as adults must research and learn the truth. My people are dying for lack of knowledge. We must change this.

Blessings to you Cynthia,


Hi The weather is simply beautiful here today. I am just curious as to how many of you are aware of this history below?. I received this today in an email, and had received it before in the past but when I read the news today on the internet as usual, felt compelled to respond, especially since this email was sent again by someone else.This history below, was certainly not in my history books when I was growing up. I wonder why? Just thought it needed to be. History needs to be told truthfully. I guess one of the reasons that I am sending this email today, I just read in the news that theTexas board of education, wanted to rewrite their history and keep the word SLAVE out of Texas history. What could possible be the reason to deny truth? My father was born in Texas and as he reminded us, that slavery was alive and well from his history and he died at 92 and remembered the tales he was told of his history, and the term slavery was used proudly by the people who were not slaves and the ones who were....... see this article in the huffington post today

I guess also it made me remember when I was in the 3rd grade, I called my classmate a nigger and my teacher at an all black school called me to the front of the class and told me to pick up the dictionary she had on her desk, and made me look up the word nigger. I did, and at that time it read, "An ignorant person", nothing pertaining to one's skin color. Just a person of ignorance and my teacher said, "you see anyone can be a nigger. So, are you ignorant for calling her that? That tells me that you are ignorant, so I guess that makes you a nigger also".

I never forgot that lesson.

Years later, maybe about 10 years ago, I looked up the word nigger again and read it again. This time, it read differently and it pertained to dark skin history had been changed again to accomodate. If it had been left as originally interpreted and anyone acting ignorant would have to carry that is possibly, a word that would have worked it's way out of our mouths, especially since Texas is trying to remove the word Slave from their history books and hopefully our minds. I don't get it. I just felt the need to express today...take it for what it is worth. Have a good one.


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